Blessing Bags
Keep these “Blessing Bags” on hand or in your car for passing along to someone in need. We live in a suburb of Detroit. Quite frequently, we find ourselves at a traffic light downtown, next to a homeless man or two standing on the corner. Have you been in this situation before?
You may feel compelled to help, and wish there was something you can do. Maybe you’re not comfortable handing them money, but you feel guilty not doing something…
I first saw the idea for these “Blessing Bags” on Pinterest a while back. I just love the idea of being proactive and thinking ahead, so you are ready when you face a need! I’ve had this idea tucked in the back of my mind and have been looking for an opportunity to make them with a group. I organized a ladies’ retreat this past weekend for our Church and our theme was on the book of Ruth. The curriculum called for our group to put together bean soup mixes for those in need, but I thought this project would make a great alternative.
What to Put in Your Blessing Bags
I purchased everything I needed for twenty-five ladies to make one bag each. I got everything I needed from Dollar Tree! Each bag came to about $3 total. I was very excited about the supplies I was able to get for my money. Many of these things you may already have lying around your home! The most costly thing that I bought was the toothpaste and toothbrush set which were $1 each. Everything else was individually packaged products that were sold in a large quantity.
What our bags contained:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Tylenol (individual packet of 2)
- Tissues
- Antibacterial wipes
- Bandages
- Razor
- Juice box
- Peanuts
- Granola Bar
- Safety pins
- Crackers and cheese
- A Gospel pamphlet

Some ideas for other things you could include:
- Change for making a phone call
- Socks
- List of homeless shelters or food banks in the area
- Deodorant
- Bar soap
- Mouthwash
- Comb
Be sure everything you choose is safe to keep in the car! For example, you wouldn’t want anything chocolate or crackers that would easily crush. After you give one out, make another to always keep on hand! These are small enough to fit into a purse. I would love to have one on me whenever we go downtown to eat or catch a game. You could even have your kids hand them out! A simple way to demonstrate kindness and teach them about giving to those in need.

You Might Also be Interested in…
Check out the printable note cards I made to put with each Blessing Bag! GO THERE NOW!

Georgette Birt
Hi Sarah, just like to say wow!! The reason being my cousin and I (we are both New Zealanders living in Australia)were trying to find a group name for something we wanted to do (I love your little printable cards by the way and would love to use them with our packs awesome thank you so much). But please read everyone and share worldwide so this homeless crisis is completely dealt with once and for all. Here is the post I wish everyone to share and help with as they are able to thank you..Love and Blessings to all
Any backpack beds, small dome tents for 1-2 people, sleeping bags any of these items that are no longer required or needed would be fantastic..
These can be handed out to any people that are living on the streets in your area. If you don’t know of anyone please hand them into Homeless shelters or crisis centres so they can hand them out to those in need. After I have helped whoever I can in my area. I am going to take whatever I can on my next trip to Sydney and Canberra. As there are so many people sleeping in certain parks.
So that with all of you that are able to help in someway, this crisis should eventually be under control plus as I said this is a lot cheaper way of doing this. And this is going to help people that are on the streets to be kept warm and dry at night a lot quicker than trying to raise the money for the shelter and warmth they need now.
We have already had some amazing people that have already given items to help these people out and that is what this is all about. So please give any of these items you no longer need..and this gift is going to be a godsend for those in need. I have put this out there so this can be shared (hopefully worldwide) so we are able to help people in countries all over the world in this situation. I have had to change the add around as I had a couple of people complaining about how I had put it all it capitals. I actually did that for a reason so people would take notice. Which they did :) I had over 2700 hits on the post in 3 days and so many people wanting to help. So it has made a huge difference. Thankyou for your help and support.❤️.
I was only able to donate $220 for the backpack beds in Australia thanks to my cousin and myself that has been sent through to Canberra/Goulburn to help 2 people out.. but the company only allows them to go out one box of 4 at a time so they have to wait for more donations to make up the 4 backpack bed’s. This could have gone towards dome tents and sleeping bags as the backpack beds cost $95 each. The company does not allow the public to purchase them and hand them out..But I won’t be doing that ever again I have a life as well and a few people had to put a downer on it God only knows why as it would be different if the tables were turned. So please give and share so that everyone is warm and dry at night..there shouldn’t even be this problem, we aren’t living in the caveman days and no one should have to sleep on the streets with a piece of cardboard for keep up the good work people your doing a fantastic job.. keep this post going so it reaches worldwide so that everyone is able to help those in their own area/country.. And that will be another serious problem solved. So proud of everyone that has helped with this so far. I have started putting a few large backpacks together that are able to hold a small light tent, sleeping bag and a few personal/grooming items. Everyone can do their own thing if they wish..but let’s go for it and get this worldwide problem sorted.
Best wishes Georgette Roderique is my username on facebook and I am linked up to a few pages of my own, so please add yourself if you like and let me know how things work out for those of you that want to give this a go thanks.
Angel Glisan
Making of Care Package. I have made several before, but wanted to know what you would suggest for large amounts to be put in for carrying or pulling. I cannot put sleeping bags, small dome tents for 1 or 2 people in plastic bags. How does Homeless people prefer to care the things they have been given. Thanks, Angel
Hi Sarah,
I’m trying to locate the You Matter printable but I can’t seem to locate it. Would you be able to help me with that?
Sarah Lemp
Hey Ashley!
You will find the “You Matter” printable in the “Bible//Inspiration” printables category. Go here: for instructions on how to access it!
I can’t find the printable? I went to this location and joined and everything????
It says not found??
Sarah Lemp
Deanna, were you able to figure it out? I just tested it and it is all working on my end… Let me know! :)
Melissa French, The More With Less Mom
Kindness is so important. Thank you for the printable.
Jenny lantz
We made these and collected some gently used sweatshirts and jackets and handed them out on our girls night out! It was amazing the response we got, people were so grateful!
Pam taylor
What a great idea! Being Jesus with skin on. Seeking to be a blessing!
Just My 2cents
This is a wonderful thought, but the homeless around our area only want cash. It makes it really hard when you are trying to be Christ like and yet you know in your heart that you are being used and scammed instead.
We are doing this at our church to take out to our homeless community for Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration!
I want to do this as a school project but I must present the idea to our principal first. If she approves, any tips on how I can motivate everyone to help participate? Including faculty, students and parents? Thanks :-)
Sarah Lemp
what a great idea! you could always divide up the items into class groups or family groups and each group bring something – like, the 5th grade class room would collect juice boxes, or the smith family would bring the granola bars, etc. come up with the number of bags you’d like to make and have everyone contribute items. you could even include a christmas card or something that would be a treat for the holiday season. it’s pretty easy, especially this time of year, to get people excited about the idea of helping others out. and this is a simple yet really tangible way of doing that.
Lauren Michelle
What a wonderful idea! I plan to put some together over the weekend!
I love this idea, but with all the peanut allergies out there you may want to substitute something else.
What a blessing this can be to someone! love it!
I struggle every time I see someone on the corner… this is the perfect thing to have ready! Thanks for sharing.
Cathy C
What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing!